Monday, June 30, 2008

Listening better than reading...

Firstly, i decided to split the research into one week for each question. So this week, i would be studying on the differences between a cow's digestive system and a human's digestive system.

Of course, the first thing i had to do is to find out more on the human digestive system. Mind u, it is not just covering our primary sch stuffs. anyway i went to wikipedia and OMG! all the words were greek to me, i dont even understand half of wat its saying. then i thought, wat if i go look for a video presentation, maybe it would be easier to understand.....

And it sure was! i enclose this post with that video tat i found on youtube.

Enjoy! ^^


Thursday, June 26, 2008

This is worst than deciding my secondary school!

well, here's with my second entry and i had to make a choice of 2 out of 5 topics to research on. being given 1) Digestion, 2)Transport in Living Things, 3) Sexual Reproduction, 4) Issues on Sex, 5) Ecology and Nutrient Cycles in the Ecosystem, i am totally spoilt for choice! Now, which one should i pick? After thinking about it for a day n a night n a day n a night n a day again, i remembered how curious i was about the system tat keeps life going. thus i narrowed it down to 3 topics: digestion, transport in living things n sexual reproduction. still in the end, i decided to go with digestion and sexual reproduction.
Next, i had to think of something to reseacrh related to these 2 fields. the question on digestion was rather easy to think of. as i was drinking fresh milk at that time, i remembered tat a cow has 4 stomachs, so how will the digestion process be different from a human digestion process? and as for sexual reproduction, i nearly ran out of ideas when i suddenly ask myself: can a fungi reproduce sexually? after confirming that they actually can with my sci teacher, i made up my mind.

Now, i offically declare that my 2 research questions shall be:
1) What are the similarities n differences between a cow digestive system and a human digestive system?
2) How can a fungi reproduce sexually?

Those decisions r certainly harder than chosing my secondary sch.....


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lets get on with the journal!

When i first learnt that we had to do biojournals again, I was like "what? not again!" However, when i learnt that not only is there less work this time, but even that we had to write it in a blog form, i totally had no more objections! Writing my biojournal in a blog is way better than the lame old "research and copy down in your exercise book" method. So, lets get on with the journal!
